Animation Pixellation Exercise
In this animated short, we tell a story of an old chair being thrown out and how he finds happiness in helping others; until he sees his previous master. Will he help? This animation pixellation exercise was given during the study at Satyajit Ray Film & Television Institute. This is a film by 19th Batch, Group C2 students.
A group of 5 students were highly inspired by a film called "Chairy Tales" by Evelyn Lombart, and tried to create a similar story around chair for our assignment project.
Crew Members:
Anshu Agrahari (Editing Student)
Chirag Balani (Production for Television & Film Student)
Tushar Singh (Direction and Screenplay Writing Student)
Avidhan Shah (Sound Recording & Design Student)
Anubhab Biswas (Animation Cinema Student)
Special Appearance:
Atharva Deshpande (EDM, 5th Batch Writing Student)
Rahul Kumar (Film, 19th Batch, Editing Student)
Mentorship by
Sir A S Krishna Swamy
Sir Satvik Biswas