Animation Pixellation Exercise
In this animated short, we tell a story of an old chair being thrown out and how he finds happiness in helping others; until he sees his previous master. Will he help? This animation pixellation exercise was given during the study at Satyajit Ray Film & Television Institute. This is a film by 19th Batch, Group C2 students.

Submitted Film

A group of 5 students were highly inspired by a film called "Chairy Tales" by Evelyn Lombart, and tried to create a similar story around chair for our assignment project.

Crew Members: 
Anshu Agrahari (Editing Student) 
Chirag Balani (Production for Television & Film Student) 
Tushar Singh (Direction and Screenplay Writing Student) 
Avidhan Shah (Sound Recording & Design Student)
Anubhab Biswas (Animation Cinema Student)

Special Appearance: 
Atharva Deshpande (EDM, 5th Batch Writing Student) 
Rahul Kumar (Film, 19th Batch, Editing Student)​​​​​​​
All all-in-one
All all-in-one
Make something big look small
Make something big look small
Shooting near the bridge
Shooting near the bridge
Edit and chill
Edit and chill
Group Attandence
Group Attandence
Mentorship by
Sir A S Krishna Swamy 
Sir Satvik Biswas

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