Short Animation
A short sketchy animation of Durga Pujo vibe in Bengal made for celebrating it's recognition by UNESCO as an Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity in 2022.
Final Composite
With this film I tried to uphold the vibe I got during the Durga Pujo as a kid. Pujo is too much fun for a kid along with lights, fireworks, mouth-watering foods and a never-ending enthusiasm.
Written by Sankita Kundu
Voice by Ishaan Chowdhury

একটা সময় ছিল যখন "এই উজ্জ্বলতার স্রোতে এই বুকের ভিতর হতে" জিনগেলে শালিমারের অ্যাড টিভিতে দেখলেই বুঝতাম যে পুজো আসছে। তখন দূর্গা পুজো ছিল বছরের সেই কয়েকটা ম্যাজিকাল দিন যেই কয়েকটা দিন পড়াশোনা করতে হয় না কেউ বকে না আর অনেকটা মলীন আনন্দ করা যায়। তখন পুজোর সময়ের সবচেয়ে ভাইটাল কাজ ছিল কটা জামা কিনলাম, কটা ঠাকুর দেখলাম আর ক বক্স ক্যাপ ফাটালাম তার হিসেব রাখা। তখন পুজো মানে শুধু চারটে দিন ছিল না তখন পুজো মানে ছিল শরৎ-এর মেঘ, শিউলি কুড়ানো, রেডিও-তে মহিষাসুরমর্দিনী, ঢাকের আওয়াজ, অঞ্জলী সব মিলিয়ে একটা আমেজ।

সময়ের সাথে সাথে বড় হয়েছি আর টিভি- অ্যাড কিছুই দেখা হয় না তাই আজকাল ক্যালেন্ডার দেখেই পুজো আসে আর পুজোতে আদৌ ছুটি পাবো কিনা কিংবা খরচ-বাজেট এইসব হিসাব করতে করতেই পুজো চলেও যায়।

তবু পুজোর আমেজে চারিদিক যখন সেজে ওঠে তখন মনে ভেসে ওঠে সেই ছোটবেলার পুজোর দিনগুলো আর সেই দিনগুলোকেই ভালবেসে সেই মুগ্ধতাকেই বন্দী করার চেষ্টা করেছি কয়েকটা ফ্রেমে।

হয়তো ওই বয়সেই পুজোটা সব থেকে বেশী অনুভব করতাম।

An early autumn morning showing the night-flowering Jasmine. It's an auspicious moment for Bengalis as it marks the beginning of pujo season. Each Frame hand drawn in TV Paint.

Satyajit Ray created an ever-lasting impression by his film Panther Panchali. Here I tried to recreate a scene from his film and it's one of my favourite scenes. Created using Photoshop.

A small panning scene of the making of the clay idols before any paint applied. One can find numerous such beauties in the narrow lanes of Kumartuli just before the pujo season. You can lanes filled with raw earthen smell. Painted in Adobe Fresco.

As a kid I used to go with my mother for pujo shopping and here I wanted to create that vibe. Animated on TV Paint.

As a kid, pujo meant cap reel guns (a firework toy gun) to me. I used to get extremely happy in receiving one. Painted on TV Paint. 

Pujo is incomplete without Ashtami's Anjali. Here's a scene to uphold the vibe. Animated on Photoshop.

There used to be a large crowd on roads for pandal hopping and advertisement flyers went all over the roads. I used to enjoy those moving flyers from inside a bus or car. Painted on Photoshop.

Street lights are another main attraction. Painted on Photoshop.

Being a kid, I could not see the idol in these large crowds. My father used to carry me up in his shoulders from where I could view the idol clearly above all the heads. Animated on Photoshop.

Inside every pandal, there used to be a large chandelier or jharbati in bengali. I don't know why but I used to enjoy spinning underneath the chandelier. Painted on Photoshop.

The Durga Pujo marks its end with the idol being immersed in Ganga, from where the idol making soil comes. It breaks the heart of every bengali to see their beloved Goddess returning to heaven. Pinted using Photoshop.

It's again a year long wait for the next pujo and this wait starts from the very day of idol immersion. Made using Adobe Fresco.

After a lot of procrastination, I finally started working on this film a month later, this got almost 121k views on Instagram during October. This film got a collaboration post by Calcutta Cacophony, one of the leading influential Instagram pages of Kolkata. 

It also got shared by various artists and pages on Instagram along with Sayan Ghosh, a wonderful illustrator from Kolkata

Debjyoti Saha, one of the leading animators in India, whose animations I deeply admire, along with his wife and his friends also shared this film in and around Bombay

This film was also screened at Bengali community in Gurgaon called DCDP Banglar Parampara.

Directed and animated by Anubhab Biswas
Caption by Sankita Kundu
Voice over by Ishaan Chowdhury
Sound Design by Anubhab Biswas
Constant Critique by Sankita, Induja and my mother

Thanks to my friends and family for supporting me in the making process.

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