Comics or Graphic Narrative
This is another animation assignment given to develop a story, script, pre-production and a 4-6 pages of graphic narrative around a given theme called, 'Reality that bleeds into fantasy'. So, here is my story called "Holidays".
One of my friend laughed out at the title saying, "You don't have any holiday but your story does!"

A small animated preview!

Inspired by Wild Thailand, a documentary by BBC Earth

                Madhuja arrives at Thailand Sea Shore to enjoy a luxurious vacation far away from the city cacophony. While enjoying, she throws trash on the beach unmindfully only to realize that there’s a monster lurking in the trash heap. Go through the comics to find out how the monster deals with the trash throwers.
A lot of pre-production went into this and all these are hand-drawn. Completed the assignment within a week. Hope you like it. Thanks for all the support and review from peers!

Mentorship by​​​​​​​
Sir Satvik Biswas

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